Weight Loss Services

Weight Loss Programs ~ In Office, At Home, or Hybrid


Have you found yourself trying to lose weight with no success?

Or you want to learn a sustainable lifestyle for yourself without deprivation?

We have been there and we GET IT. Counting calories, depriving yourself, maybe you see results but can’t stick with it. Maybe you are hardly eating and not losing weight, and gaining very easily with no explanation. We explore so many options as to what could be happening for you in your body and how to address it.

Tools We Use

* Technology to determine your main metabolic roadblocks
* Body composition scale
* Weight Loss Mentor
* Your lifestyle & schedule
* Your food preferences & prepping availability
* Custom tools to navigate everyday life with ease
* On the go food choices
* And Much more!

What We DON’T Do

* Low Calorie Plans
* Calorie Counting
*Supplements that cause dependency
* Hormone Manipulation for temporary results
*Starvation methods of any kind

Custom Picked Healthy Satisfying Foods

* Chicken, Fish, Beef
* Vegetarian Options Availiable
* Healthy Fats: Avocado, Butter, Cheese
* Full Fat Cheese
* Low Sugar Veggies
* & More!
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RESULTS: Our female clients are losing an average of 2 pounds per week, and men average 3 pounds per week. This is all FAT loss. Which you will learn is different than just seeing the number drop on the scale. That could be muscle or water, with no fat burn taking place.

HOW IT WORKS: You start with a consultation, either virtual or in person. Then we assess your main metabolic roadblocks and see if we can help. Once determined if we are the right fit for you, you will be sent a questionnaire that will allow us to start your custom materials or match you to a proper meal plan. Finally, 1-2 days after receiving your questionnaire you will receive all your materials either in person or virtually and you’re on your way to a healthier you!

BOOSTER OPTIONS: We offer natural but powerful weight loss support supplements as well as red light therapy body contouring for increased results. These are optional and not required for our program.

Why choose us? We have something really special at Y&V Weight Loss. Our combined experience of 30 years in the medical field, and our program managers 8 years of successful weight loss coaching makes us the go-to weight loss solution! Don’t take our word for it, click the button below to look at our client reviews!