Body Contouring

Red Light Therapy for Fat Reduction

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Body Contouring Treatment

* Single Session
*No Down Time

Contour Light

*Clinical Trials Show Average of 2.74 inches lost per session
*Stimulates Collagen Production, helps with skin texture and firmness
*Safely penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the fat cells.
*Specifically designed to target fat.
*Works with absolutely no pain and requires no recovery time.

Looking for belly fat removal? Body contouring is the answer everyone has been looking for to reduce excess fat deposits and improve the appearance of cellulite. Best of all, you can see immediate results and it can be applied to the face, neck & chin, arms or lower legs, upper and lower back, belly & upper thighs. The light stimulates the mitochondria of the fat cell, causing the cell membrane to open tiny pores and release the cell contents, a process known as lipolysis. The fat cells then deflate while the body naturally evacuates the excess fat via the body’s metabolic process. The treatment is comfortable and so relaxing that many clients will read, listen to music, or even nap during the session.

Want to learn more? Take the free Body Contour Quiz above to get started!


Don't spend thousands of dollars on invasive procedures that cause cellular damage! Save up to 50% in comparison to those services with our safe and effective solution.


Before & After